In case I haven't mentioned, I'm expecting. This post makes a lot more sense with that info in hand. To the point--naming babies is harder than naming characters. I never considered I'd have such a tricky time pinpointing potential names for The Little Stranger, but here I am, a couple months out from zero hour, still dithering on the name front. Completely unexpected--because character names are never an issue for me. The Bean hanging with the Giant Bean in Chicago Our temporary placeholder name, to avoid calling the baby "It" or "The Uterine Parasite" (for some reason that bothered my husband), is "The Bean." This was easy to come up with, probably because it's not permanent. We aren't stuck with calling another human being "Bean" for the rest of our lives (nor is the Bean stuck with being The Bean). Plus I had just looked at one of those food-chart-fetal-growth comparisons and the Bean was, at that point, the ...
The Books, Browsings, and Musings of Author Rowenna Miller